Spiffing up the Retreat Center

Because I’ve had so many wonderful people staying at the Heart and Wings Retreat Center, I wanted to give them more room. So I created a living space in the garage to use when I’m renting out all three units.
Among other improvents: I’ve converted the base of a leaky stock tank into a beautiful medicine wheel. It sits on a hill with great mountain and starlight views. I look forward to doing ceremonies there.
The crumbling old walkway has been replaced with one that’s intact.
There are now bancos for sitting on the front porch, when the rocking chair and swinging bench are occupied.
I’m grateful to the kind and generous people who have put their hearts and skills into the work.
As someone who has no interest in decorating, I’m especially gratified by the consistent five star reviews of all three guest units on airbnb.
Please consider a visit. The area has a lot to offer, but, in my humble opinion, the dogs, alone, would be worth the trip.
On the Road Again

I’ll be driving to Maine in July by way of the Swannanoa Gathering outside Asheville, NC, my favorite music camp. Here’s a link from my Untamed album to “Dawning over Swannanoa,†about the musicians who stay up all night playing there.
I’ll return to Silver City in October after taking part in another exciting Global Songwriters’ Connection FOCUS event in Nashville.
If you’re between NM and ME, and interested in having me perform and/or offer an “Untame Yourself” workshop in your area, please let me know. I’m condensing the workshop into an hour format in Truth or Consequences on May 14, so I can be flexible around a timing that might serve you.
Untame Yourself
         photo courtesy of Silver City Sun-News
I spent a good portion of the winter with a great band getting ready for the release of my 5th recording, Untamed. Here’s a rehearsal shot with Paul DeMarco, Greg Renfro, Shems Nickle and Houndog.
Following on the heels of the CD release party, I thought the untamed theme deserved more exploration. So I’ll be conducting a workshop on April 9 called “Untame Yourself.â€
It will take place at the Heart and Wings Retreat Center in Silver City, NM from 10 am – 4 pm on Saturday April 9 for $25. If you’re interested in attending, please give me a call at (575) 956-9419, or email me at [email protected], and I’ll give you directions.
We’ve been conditioned to believe and behave in many ways that don’t serve us. This has taken place in several areas – educational, parental, societal, the news media, and healthcare, to name a few. We need to break free from that indoctrination in order to remember who we are and what we want. The world needs us, and it’s time to get out of our own way so we can make a difference.
I’ll offer various ways to unhook from unwanted beliefs and attitudes, including my heart lightning emotional release method. Come and get wild.
Orgonite, Untamed: 2015 Highlights
Dear Friends,
Hope you’ve been able to detach enough from the news of the world to have a good year.
Much of my year has been spent keeping the house clean. I’ve converted a room in the garage to a living space, where I stay with the dogs when the place is fully booked. I credit Cassie and Zoli with charming the visitors enough to leave good ratings. Cassie jumps next to anyone on the sofa, pretending they’re the only person who’s ever loved her. Her real agenda, however, is to push them off, and claim it for herself.
The joy in running the Heart and Wings Retreat Center continues to be greeting people as strangers and then parting as friends.
I took a break from vacuuming and changing sheets to drive to Maine. While there, I received more remarkable healing work from Ariel Wilcox at Access Health Renewal in Freeport. My shoulders and neck loosened up so much I feel like a bobblehead doll.
My Kennebunk friends, Sassy and Kirk Smallman, generously let me stay with them again for a month and plied me full of seafood.
On the drive home, I spent a fun week in Nashville, songwriting, performing, and meeting industry professionals, through Sheree Spoltore’s Global Songwriters’ Connection, an organization I highly recommend to any songwriters. Their 3-day FOCUS event was a giant love-fest. Now that I’ve been to one, I can attend any and all future ones, something I eagerly anticipate.
I’m currently rehearsing for a CD release party of my new recording, Untamed. If you can’t make it to the show in Silver City, you can listen or get a copy at
www.cdbaby.com/azaimaanderson5. Several of the tracks give voice to my activism on the environment and other causes. The remaining tracks also follow the theme of taking a stand, whether humorously, or poignantly.
When I wrote my last holiday letter, I was particularly alarmed by the noxious chemtrails overhead, but didn’t know how to eradicate them. Since then, I’ve found a solution that I can implement, myself. Orgonite neutralizes chemtrails, and you can make it with only three ingredients. I’ve seen chemtrails disappear instantly after putting orgonite by cell towers. Here’s a link to an inspiring free e-book about it. http://orgoniseafrica.com/book/operationparadiseorgonite.pdf
As cell towers within a four-mile radius affect your health, you might be interested in keeping yourself safe. http://www.antennasearch.com identifies the cell towers in your immediate area. You can get orgonite at cost (about $1 apiece) by emailing my friend Ray Watkowski at [email protected]. He opened up my world by introducing me to orgonite and he’s dedicated his life to it.
In addition to clearing the sky, orgonite clears energy in the home and can be used to relieve pain as well. I love sharing it, because most people can feel its uplifting effect immediately.
I hope 2016 is full of similar miracles for you.
A Brighter Tomorrow
The cataclysmic Uranus Pluto square that caused worldwide upheavals over the past couple of years has ended. Despite the rampant suffering that remains, I’d like to believe we’ve turned the corner into a more positive future.
My own outlook has brightened following a recent discovery. The issue that has devastated me over the past year is geoengineering. Seeing the once blue skies constantly clouded with toxic airplane stripes stripped away all my wonder as I gazed up, and replaced it with anger and a feeling of powerlessness.
I had heard that orgonite neutralized the trails that planes deposited into the skies, but had never used it effectively.
Through the miracle of facebook, I met a man who makes orgonite and told me how to make it work. The sky has a naturally self-cleaning mechanism, but it is disabled by the emanations from cell towers. Orgonite can restore the skies to their rightful clarity if it is placed near cell towers.
I recently participated in one such cell tower “gifting†excursion, and the results were instantly miraculous. The sky over Silver City is blue again. The trails that airplanes leave evaporate quickly instead of clouding the skies and our attitudes.  Silver City only has a few towers, so it was a relatively quick fix. Your area may require a greater effort.
Geoengineering must be stopped, and people need to learn about the environmental devastation that lies in its wake. But it is empowering to know that we can do something about it ourselves while we wait for enough people to mobilize and effectively oppose it.
Orgonite is relatively simple to make, but you can also order it online. You can use it in your home to reduce the electromagnetic toxicity of your WiFi router, microwave and smart meter. It is a palpably uplifting experience to have it around. I surround my chair with it to feel  positive and productive. If you want to gift the cell towers in your area and make it chemtrail free, order or make the towerbusters.
Come On Down
I’ve had a great time since last May turning my place into a Guesthouse called the Heart and Wings Retreat Center. Silver City attracts artists and adventurers, so everyone who shows up is someone I’d enjoy getting to know. Although I provide local maps and brochures, I discover more about what Silver City has to offer just by talking to the people who stay here.
Most recently, I found out about a wolf sanctuary that I’ve since visited twice. It’s magical.
I don’t serve breakfast because no one would want to drink my green smoothies. The irony is that I instead get to take advantage of the food people leave behind in their kitchenettes. My favorite leftover was a slice of coconut cream pie.
Many of my guests take advantage of my healing services while they’re here. It’s often easier to relax and receive a healing session if you’re away from the obligations of your home environment. If you’re interested in a transformative weekend, please book some time here. Between the walks, the views, and the healing opportunities, I’m confident you’ll leave refreshed and renewed.
All We Need
In this season of taxes, our thoughts turn to an accounting of what we have. It is tempting to focus on lack, to lament all we’ve spent and to rail against the government for appropriating and misusing our hard-earned funds. Whether or not we are justified in our attitude, it doesn’t feel good to be the victim.
I’ve created a recording to antidote the tax-time blues. I didn’t design it for this season in particular, but it may serve you well. It’s a series of Sufi prosperity mantras. They’re sung in Arabic, but translated in the CD leaflet.
Mantras reinforce positive thoughts through repetition. They connect us with our higher selves. While they won’t negate the reality of our current circumstances, they remind us of a dimension we inhabit that is inherently perfect and complete. Some of the qualities affirmed in these songs are mercy, compassion, gratitude, kindness, generosity, and the outpouring of blessings. And that feels better than worrying about money.
I composed the tracks on a silent retreat, almost whispering them into my Garage Band software. I wanted to create something soothing, hypnotic, relaxing, and, I hope, inspiring. The album interweaves 3-part vocals with guitar, flute and percussion. Jud Caswell recorded and produced it in his Brunswick, ME Frog Hollow Studio. Recording can be nerve wracking because it has to be perfect, or you’re stuck hearing your mistakes forever. But there was something about this style of music that created a relaxing studio atmosphere for all of us. None of us had ventured into this genre of music before, and we are happy with the outcome.
It has been well received. Here’s what Sacred Music Radio had to say:
“At Sacred Music Radio we often receive music which artists would like us to broadcast. To promote any music on Sacred Music Radio the music must be appropriate in that it is what we consider sacred and really beautiful. When we listened to Heart Lightening by Azaima Anderson the decision was really easy to make as we were so moved by the beauty and tranquility of the music on this album. We found it uplifting and inspiring. For example, after listening to the track “Bismillah” the words and the beautiful sound stay with me. For over a month we featured this track several times a day and now it is broadcast as one of the tracks on our playlist.â€
– Michael Kenton, Sacred Music Radio
You can taste test the recording by checking out a video of the first track.
Sink into gratitude and forget what you owe Uncle Sam. If you like what you hear and want more, you can get a copy here.
On the Air
Silver City has an important new resource called Gila Mimbres Community Radio. Anyone can listen online at gmcr.org. It’s a breath of fresh air to hear real news and commentary from concerned individuals rather than the commercially sanitized messages that permeate even National Public Radio.
KURU fm is right on Silver City’s main drag, Bullard Street, across from the food co-op. We can wave at passing friends through the station’s large picture windows.
I’ve enjoyed several recent on air opportunities. Greg Renfro and Jean Eisenhower asked me to host their Silver City Acoustic show while they attended a Folk Alliance conference. I prepped all day, listening to tracks by the visiting artists I was going to interview, organizing my notes, questions, and station identification breaks. That process gave me tremendous respect for anyone makes a weekly hosting commitment. Though I madly shuffled papers throughout the two-hour program, some friends who listened indicated we sounded seamless enough. Whew.
A few weeks later, Greg and Jean had me on as a guest. Here’s that appearance. I was happy to have the chance to discuss not only my music, but also my healing work, retreat center and activism.
This month, Andrew Dahl Bredine and I came to the station to play our Gila river songs. We were promoting the Wild and Scenic Film Festival in support of attempts to resist the river’s diversion.
The following morning, Bija Aranow and I joined Paula Geisler’s radio show to discuss the threat of geoengineering. Chemtrails poison our air, earth and water, and we must build awareness of this problem if we are to have any hope of sustaining life on the planet. For more information on that topic, please visit geoengineeringwatch.org.
Untamed Gila
The Gila River is the life-blood of the desert southwest. It has been dammed elsewhere, but still flows free in New Mexico. Now there is a move to dam the Gila in New Mexico as well. Anyone who loves the river is upset that this project is moving forward. While public opinion is against the diversion, the government has given it the green light.
Because It will take many years for the dam to be built, there is still time to stop the project. To that end, the Gila Resources Information Project, or GRIP, has released a fundraising CD/DVD of river songs and films called Wild Gila: Forever Free.
My song, Untamed Gila, is on that album. I had the privilege of recording it in Nashville. Gary and Robin Earl produced it, assembling a top-flight group of musicians.
with Gary and Robin Earl at their Nashville studio.
All of the songs on Wild Gila: Forever Free are well produced and worth hearing. If you care about the environment, you’ll enjoy the recording, and can obtain one by writing [email protected].
Please sign this petition to save the Gila.
GRIP held a Wild and Scenic Film Festival at the Pinos Altos Opera House last week, and used the occasion to launch their new CD. I got to perform my song between films. Here’s the video of Dale Rucklos backing me up on guitar.
Dale and I will reprise that performance in a few weeks. GRIP will have a float in the 4th of July parade. I’ve never touched a float, let alone played and sang on one, so let’s hope we offer a positive contribution to the cause.
Taking it to the Streets
Pictured left to right: Shems Nickle, Azima Lila Forest, Pamela Morgan, Samira Johnson, Azaima Anderson. Out of camera range to Shems’ left is Paul deMarco on flute.
I’m now planning to play these songs for others as I drive back east in September. If you’re anywhere between New Mexico and Maine and are interested in hearing this music, let’s talk about setting up a house concert in your area.
I’m also offering workshops in my Heart Lightning method of quickly clearing emotional, mental and even some physical blocks. You can learn all you need in 90 minutes. It’s often helpful to combine Heart Lightning with the Emotional Freedom Technique (sometimes called tapping), so I’ll teach you that as well. If you’d like to learn this and you’re between NM and ME, please let me know, and we’ll make it happen.
If you’re near my route back to Maine, I’d be happy to administer a healing session for you in person. I’d highly recommend the Heart Lightning special combination as the most comprehensive and effective method. It includes a half hour of astrology, a half hour of heart lightning work and a half hour of shamanic healing.
As any astrologer would do, I checked the planets to see which would be the most auspicious time to hit the road, and September looks great. Hope to see you on the way.
Come to This House

Last month, I listed the Heart and Wings Retreat Center on airbnb.com and made several fun new friends as a result.
Because people can book a room and show up with barely a moment’s notice, I have a great incentive to keep the place clean.
One would assume from that airbnb’s name that I would have to serve breakfast, but you can select the amenities you provide. I offer guests their own kitchenette and they can feed themselves. I have never liked eggs, and it would be presumptuous to assume that anyone would go for one of my green smoothies first thing in the morning.
If you want to check out the Continental Divide Trail, I’m 15 minutes away. Here’s my airbnb listing. Stop by some time.
Chapel of Love
Last month, I had the privilege of marrying a couple of men who had been together for 46 years. One was 70 and the other was 80. It was a powerful and moving experience for all in attendance.
Someone told me a few years ago that my house was on sacred ground, and that the Apaches who used to live here held many weddings on the land. It seems more than fitting to revive the tradition, and to support marriage equality as well.
Here’s the wedding video. Grab a hanky and enjoy. It includes Aretha Franklin’s amazing recording of “My Cup Runneth Over.â€
Mercury Retrograde

Have you wondered why the simplest things are going wrong these days?
Recently, my dogs’ invisible fence containment system stopped working. After I closed the door to the room that contained its transmitter, I couldn’t open it, even with a key. These back-to-back malfunctions made me wonder whether Mercury was retrograde. Indeed it was.
Yesterday I went into Mexico, charged some items on my credit card with no problem and then had it refused on the basis of attempted fraud the next time I tried to use it. Last night three hours of my blog copy disappeared from the computer before I had the chance to save it. This morning, none of my outgoing mail was saved in the sent folder, despite apple’s promises to do so automatically. I expect this beat to go on for a couple of weeks, so it’s time to breathe deeply.
You may be besieged by minor annoyances such as these from now until June 30, but at least you’ll have a convenient scapegoat.
Mercury rules communication. It goes retrograde three or four times a year for about three weeks. This time, Mercury is retrograde in Gemini, the sign it rules.
What you can do:
- Beware of silver-tongued devils. They may sound convincing, but, more than likely, they will be missing a vital piece of information.
- Check your facts.
- Confirm appointments.
- Keep your appliances in good repair.
- Take nothing for granted.
- Allow extra time to correct things that will inevitably go wrong.
- You will do better finishing old projects than initiating any.
Consider each mishap a lesson in humility. Against the backdrop of the life-threatening and chaotic Uranus Pluto square, Mercury retrograde is nothing. But the little things can get to us while the big things may be so inconceivably horrible that we refuse to entertain their validity.
Heart Lightning
I’m changing the name of my business to Heart Lightning, as I enjoy facilitating quick results in others. I have acquired a broad array of ways to help people get what they want, usually in just one session.
One of these is a healing modality I developed called Heart Lightning. It simultaneously combines metaphor, eye movement, felt sense, limiting belief, earlier experience and emotion. I really don’t know how or why it works, but I assume the unconscious gets so overwhelmed with all these stimuli that it gives up and releases the block. For whatever reason, Heart Lightning works fast.
Heart Lightning is also the title of my new CD of Sufi chants. I was attracted to the Sufi path in the early 90s because of its ability to effect instant transformation as well. Rather than wallowing in a problem, Sufis ask what qualities you would need to solve it. You repeat and affirm those qualities until you realize they’ve been part of you all along. Who knew?
Here’s a link to my ebook, Stalking Ecstasy, which is full of Sufi practices.
I composed the Heart Lightning songs on a Sufi retreat focused on prosperity. As in all Sufi retreats, we repeated specific Divine Names focused around the qualities we wished to cultivate. The great thing about the Divine Names is that their sound, alone, is effective, whether or not you have any idea what is being chanted. You are building your capacity for success just by listening.
I invite you to enjoy this new recording on any level that serves you, whether you fully immerse yourself in the practices, singing along, or use it to relax, as background music. Here’s the video of the first song, Bismillah.
Sacred Spirit Music Radio had this to say about it.
“Music on Sacred Music Radio must be sacred and really beautiful. When we listened to Heart Lightning by Azaima Anderson, the decision was really easy, as we were so moved by the beauty and tranquility of the album. We found it uplifting and inspiring. The words and the beautiful sound of the track, Bismillah stay with me. For over a month, we featured it several times a day, and now it is broadcast as one of the tracks on our playlist.”
Here’s a link to a free download of another song on the album, and an opportunity to purchase the entire album as a download or as a CD. May the music fulfill your every desire.
What’s in a Name?
Along my spiritual road, I was given the name Azaima (pronounced uhZEEMuh). My Sufi friends have called me this for decades. It’s been defined as ecstasy, flexible strength and the divine down in your bones. I’ve decided to make it official.
It takes months of legal hoops to change one’s name, as anyone who’s been married knows. Much to my mother’s consternation, I kept my name when I got married. But as I’m recently amicably divorced, it seems an opportune time to change it.
My new name is Azaima B Anderson and my new website is azaima.com.
I appreciate your flexibility accommodating this shift.Â
Where do I Begin?
Much is being made of the Cardinal Grand Cross in late April, involving a face off between Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and Pluto. All my recent astrological updates have pursued the cataclysmic Uranus Pluto square. Their square forms part of this cardinal Grand Cross. While the Grand Cross only extends until April 26, the Uranus Pluto square will be with us into 2015.
Each planet in the Grand Cross is in a cardinal sign: Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra, and Uranus in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn. Cardinal signs indicate beginnings. As the Grand Cross involves four planets in different signs, we may feel pulled to initiate activities that seem to conflict with one another.
The key to navigating a Grand Cross is to come to the center. What do all your impulses have in common? Stay true to the intention that underlies them all, and you may preserve your sanity.
I would like to continue my exploration of the square that I feel is most fundamental to the Grand Cross, involving Uranus and Pluto.
Uranus rules unexpected change, high technology, freedom, and rebellion. Pluto governs death and rebirth, bringing the hidden to light, but not without a lot of resistance and discomfort.
Although this transit is evident on a political level, I also would like to examine it from an environmental perspective.
I moved to New Mexico for its clear blue skies. It’s rare now to see a completely sunny day. Each day, planes crisscross the skies, spraying a toxic mix of aluminum, barium and sulfur that clouds them over, polluting the air, sky and water in the process. Naysayers dismiss these emissions as contrails. But contrails would dissipate quickly, rather than lingering for hours.
Why would anyone want to poison all life on the planet? There are various motivations for this spraying. The most benign intention would seem to be a reversal of global warming, as the sun’s rays are being reflected back on themselves. This only works short term and then has a rebound effect.
A more sinister intention behind geoengineering would be population reduction, as we are being slowly poisoned.
Chemtrails work hand in hand with HAARP, a project of the US military involving arrays of antennas. Their electromagnetic frequencies penetrate the ionosphere to move the jet stream, creating new weather patterns that can be sustained at will. Weather is no longer an act of God.
Profiteering may be a covert motivation. It is now legal to invest in weather derivatives. If you can control the weather, you have an inside track when you bet on it. Â
The impact of this spraying is so horrifying that most people choose to ignore it. Those who turn to official channels to challenge it are told they are crazy. This is the classic Pluto Uranus standoff. Pluto clings to its power and its secrets. Uranus comes up with increasingly creative ways to undermine the entrenched power structure.
In the spirit of Uranian rebellion, you can visit skyderalert.com and download their app to your smart phone. When you take photos of chemtrails overhead, the app will to send them to your elected representatives along with a petition opposing the geoengineered adulteration of the air you breathe. You can also visit www.geoengineeringwatch.org to read more about the issue.
Marching Against Monsanto
On May 25, 100 of us gathered under the marquee of Silver City, NM’s Energy Ideal Green Boutique. We stood just feet away from the local farmer’s market and a few feet further from the local food coop. Many people grow their own food here, and our march was more of an affirmation of people doing the right thing than an impotent rage against an unscrupulous titan.
 A friend and I drummed. Most carried signs. Our circuit took us down the main street, up the highway and around the annual Silver City Blues festival. We were greeted with honks from the drivers and raised fists from pedestrians. The organizer in front of me danced with her NO GMO sign as if it were the sexiest partner she’d ever encountered.
 The protest was organized on facebook by recent Aldo Leopold High School graduates. The woman who kicked off the event admitted she’d never used a bullhorn before. None of that mattered. The town was behind us. The local sign making shop offered a beautiful banner. The food coop served lemonade.
 I gave up believing that a demonstration would change policy after a million people mobilized to protest the Iraq war to no avail. Monsanto is so fully entrenched in our government that it doesn’t need to heed the citizen’s cry.
 But there is power in knowing you are part of a worldwide movement for a healthier future. When we take control of our food supply, it doesn’t much matter what Monsanto does.
 So here’s to people power and the gentle reminders we offer one another when we unite.
Staring Down the Shadow
Yoga is union with all that is. That means acceptance of our foibles and pains as well as embracing our place in the world, with all its headaches and blessings. It is ironic that we must make peace with the present moment in order to transcend it.
 Yoga heightens our awareness so that we may become increasingly aware of our discomfort and move beyond it.
 Take time to breathe deeply and feel all the places you habitually ignore. Where are you sore? What thoughts race through your head? What feelings do you harbor?
 Stretch in any way that feels good. Make space for what is. Set an intention. How might you move, walk, stretch, breathe to affirm that intention? Let it be true.
 If you would like to schedule a private yoga session in person or by Skype, we can try to relieve some of your pain together and allow you to move forward with greater ease and powe
The Continuing Crisis
Ruthless Pluto will square rebellious Uranus until 2015. We see the disruptive effects of this cataclysmic combination in tornadoes, mass murders, earthquakes, abuses of power, and general unrest. If you’re complacent during these times, you’re not playing attention.
It’s an opportunity for great expansion, shedding the old, liberating yourself and moving beyond your fears into greater power. Grassroots efforts to stem the ravages of the earth are finding increased support, as global warming can no longer be denied. Will we be able to stem the destructive tide? Who knows? Would you prefer to ride this one out and regret not doing something while there was still time?
If you’d like a personal take on how this transit. shows up in your life, let’s talk. You can schedule an astrology reading here.
Staring down the Tension
When we consider yoga, we often imagine tall slender flexible bodies doing things we cannot. But yogic union is possible in any body in any situation. It does not depend on a prescribed posture to work through you. When you have opened yourself, you can more easily unwind and find the freedom that lies beyond your constriction.
When our bodies are tense, we are apt to take something to relax. But our own hands and gravity will allow us to relax lot of this tension, ourselves. All we need is focused attention.
I imagine there is some time in everyone’s day where the neck and shoulders tighten. Breathe and feel the tension. You might make this your yoga tip for the day, every day. Reach where you can with your hands and massage the knots and tight places until they melt. Don’t let the resistance stay inside your body. Dig in. Imagine stressful sensations evaporating as your breath expands beyond them.
Use your breath and mind to determine the exact location of the tightness and pain. Once the pain knows it has been understood, it no longer needs to sound its alarm.
As you breathe and feel into these tight places, they will soften. They will merge into the flow of energy coursing through the body. Yoga is union. Once the body relaxes, it no longer demands attention. It’s a happy reunion. Welcome home.
If you have Skype, I can offer you a private yoga class in the comfort of your own home, wherever you are. Please visit azaimaanderson.com/yoga to schedule a session. If you’re near Silver City, NM, I’d be happy to meet you for yoga in person.
Preparing for the Unexpected
Jupiter, planet of expansion,  has been in Gemini since last June, and will remain in the sign until June 26 of this year. Take advantage of this opportunity to connect and learn from others in a neutral way. Gemini is more concerned with truth than forcing an ignorant agenda on anyone. You will have the chance to appreciate and understand all points of view before making a decision.
 Uranus in Aries is making forceful, unexpected change a way of life. Uranus has been in Aries since 2010. This chaotic transit will remain until 2018, but Jupiter moves out of Gemini much sooner. Seize the opportunity to gather and assess information. Then you’ll be able to facilitate change intelligently.
This summer, when Jupiter moves into Cancer for a year, we’ll be in for lots of emotional hand-wringing. Better to get our facts straight first.
What’s the best way to work with this planetary combination? Allow change to happen. Plenty of people will try to push you around. It is more natural to want to change the world than ourselves. Uranus in Aries is a powder keg. It is best to use its force within.
Hopefully, you’ll be able to identify the potential changes that could set you free. Use Jupiter in Gemini to research what steps you need to take to get where you want to go.
 It is not the situation as much as your attitude that will bring you peace. Strive to free yourself from any self-imposed limitations that drain your energy. Talk with others. See what they have done in similar circumstances. Be honest with yourself. Change is inevitable, whether or not we surrender willingly.
While astrologers can only go so far at predicting the unexpected, some insight may be better than none. Everyone will respond differently to these changing times. I’d love to help you strategize the best way through. Schedule a reading at azaimaanderson.com/astrology.
Want Power? Skype to the Shamanic Healing Clinic on March 16 for 30 minutes
If you’ve tried your best and still can’t find your way through what is perplexing you, whether physical or emotional, it may be time for the big guns.
We imagine we’re separate, as we live in discrete bodies. But in fact they are not discrete at all. We host bacteria. We share air. We come from, feed on and will reunite with the earth. Why would we not tap into the far greater power of the elements to heal ourselves?
Nature is our ally. We belong to the earth. The plants and animals are a part of us. When we call on their assistance, they mobilize on our behalf.
According to the shamans, nature longs to serve us. We only need to ask. We can reconnect to these natural forces through prayer, song, plants, animals, and minerals. Nature will respond by purifying and renewing us.
Shamanic healings are powerful. Would you like to feel better, gently, and easily? Sign up for a discounted half hour session March 16 between 2 and 6 pm Mountain Time. Normally $50/session, if you book during a clinic, the cost is $35. If you’re near Silver City, NM come in person. If not, we can do it by phone or Skype.
Because much of this work is non-verbal, there are few thought patterns to get in the way. You can bring any issue to a shamanic clinic – physical, or emotional. Shamanism clearing out the non-resonant energy and replacing it with a life affirming flow.
Uranus Square Pluto June 2012 – March 2015 Resistance is Futile
I don’t even know how to start writing about this. It’s like deciding where to jump on the merry go round that is spinning faster than I feel is safe to board. Such is life.
The world is changing more rapidly than we can assimilate. Global warming, corruption, and technological advances overwhelm us.
There is an astrological reason for this. Uranus, planet of unexpected change, is squaring Pluto, governor of our unconscious desires and aversions. Uranian lightning strikes our trees, while Plutonian resistance has us clinging to our roots.
Lightning does not compromise or bargain. The strikes will be sudden and irreversible.
Pluto is not used to changing on a deadline. He’ll defend the status quo until we’re ready to see beyond it. Pluto drags us into the middle of what we don’t want to face, and says, “Deal.† He unearths our resistance. Once exposed, it no longer holds sway.
The process of moving into our true power requires courage, patience and the willingness to accommodate uncomfortable feelings until we can transcend them.
Pluto is slow and plodding, knowing effective change takes time. Things we thought would last forever are evaporating around and within us. We are being forced to abandon things we never thought we could do without, and we don’t think we are ready.
What might you do when the irresistible force meets the immovable object?
When change comes, ask what is being liberated. When you need to make a choice, select the one that feels the most freeing. Uranus shakes things up so that you can reveal your unique facet of the Divine Being, unfettered by others’ expectations. Instead of bemoaning what is lost, ask what is being gained.
When you are consumed with fear, remember your intention. This vision will encourage you to move through the darkness. Hold the goal in front of you as a motivator, rather than letting fear and resistance consume your thoughts.
Remember your power. It’s Pluto’s specialty.  Pluto strips away the false sense of power, based on possessions and position, and replaces it with a more durable force. When you feel helpless, remember the miracle of life that sustains us beyond any conscious effort. We are breathing. A planet of extraordinary beauty and resilience is our host and provider.
Our hearts and minds are connected in ways we will never understand. When we are faced with disagreements and disruptions, return to love. Seek it. Long for it when you don’t feel it.
Uranus’ square to Pluto asks us to hurry up and step into our power. We are being dislodged so that we may stand tall on new ground. Because this is a long-term transit, we have the opportunity to try something new, reconsider, change course and start over. The chaos won’t last forever, and you aren’t going crazy. You’ll know what you’re made of before it’s over.
Let’s pool our efforts on this one. What’s working for you?
Calling on the Allies: Introducing Shamanic Healings

Jupiter and Uranus in Aries: Chaos is the New Norm
Coming attractions: Uranus in Aries
Fasten your seatbelts May 28.
Finding Peace in Combative Times: an astrological perspective
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The Easier, Softer Way
In the 80’s, my boss told me I didn’t think the way he did. I think he meant it as an insult.  It’s probably why I’m no longer marketing manager of Alpo Dry Dogfood. Much as I miss the Labrador and beagle puppies at Alpo’s Pet Care center, it’s probably for the best that I no longer work there.